80 Answers
Quick questions can usually be answered in a few sentences. Examples of quick questions.
Use one of these methods to ask a quick question. You will receive a response from the next available librarian—usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and between 12 and 4 p.m. on Fridays.
In-depth research help is best handled in one-on-one or small group consultations with a librarian that last 30-45 mins. These meetings are usually scheduled in advance. Examples of research appointment topics.
Research appointments can be scheduled based on the level of the course for which you are doing research.
Use the appointment scheduler to meet with any librarian that is available when you are.
Or in-depth questions from faculty or staff
Schedule an appointment with the librarian associated with the subject area/department:
Examples of quick questions include:
Examples of research appointment topics include:
Librarians are available in these buildings throughout Fall 2024. Stop by for research help or just to say hello.
Caro Carneiro
Kiara Ganther
Adriana Healey
Zander Holt
Evelyn Mace
Molly Moran
Han Nguyen
Mai Nguyen
Melissa Patino-Martinez
Morgan Rourke
Grace Schriedel
Selena Yang